

The ACLCO is a non-profit corporation, operating in accordance with its by-laws. The ACLCO receives funding from its member clinics.

The ACLCO is governed by a 13 person Board of Directors. This Board is elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of its Members, with representatives from each of the four regions in the province (North, East, Southwest, Toronto /Specialty Clinics). The Board is made up of both clinic board and staff members. The ACLCO consults with member clinics to develop responses to address issues facing clinics.

The ACLCO has four staff members. Our work is led by the Board, with the help of other members of the clinic system at large who serve on various committees and inter-clinic working groups.

The lawyers working for the ACLCO have adopted a Statement of Principles in accordance with Law Society of Ontario (LSO) requirements that acknowledges our obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion generally, and in behaviour towards colleagues, employees, clients and the public.